I really really really like spicy hot v8 yum

Well okay so while I liiiike spicy hot v8 but I mostly drink the og v8 bc if I have too much spicy hot v8 my tummy hurts


My name is either Jay or Joyce depending...

bark bark mrow.

I find 'puters very pretty

I haven't done much programbing but this html stuff is pretty fun. I can't wait to learn and then use css!


theeese are a few of my favorite things!

My top three authors right now are:

  1. Hembingway

    But just bc of Death in the Afternoon I wanna wanna wanna see a bullfight

  2. Mister David Wallace

    Only mostly fr

  3. Kerowhack

    hooome on da range

  4. Billy Burrows

    beware the written word...

    here is a picture of him with a kitty btw